Quick Write#5
Today in classes we need to do 2 activities of grammar and we play a game that it is about founding verbs and nouns so we divided in 2 groups boy and girls so we won and get half credit book so I read a little book on classes so today I have 1 book credit.
Quick Write#4
Music is one of my favorites things to do on my free time. I always like to listen to Pitbull or a show that is call Tomorrowland because that's the music that makes you dance, sometimes I think that the music makes people very sensible because when you are depressed it makes you think and other times makes you understand the letter.
Quick Write #3
I dont like my homework sometimes i like to advance to my blogger on class but when i can't finish sometimes is stressing because i have it from homework and I have a lot of activities to do in the afternoon.
Quick Write #2
My Bed
My Bed is very comfortable, soft and very spong. I always flip the pillow because I like the colder side
when i am sleeping. I always sleep with the door close because I think that someone is gonna enter if I let it open i always sleep during at 10:00 and always on my bed :)
Quick write #1
We played in class and we were the winners we scored 32 points. and the other team scored 24 points we have some ideas to write about words and in the other game we lost with 4 points the other team wins us for 3 points.
Quick write #1
Scattegories is a game that is about writing the more quickly you can like if they put he ______ slowly you need yo write things that said like he walked, he played something that combined with the sentence you can determine the winner by seeing who wrote more words but if you write a words and another repeat it you don’t get a point for that word.
Dear Ms. Hortencia
I am writing on behalf of grade 8D we eould like to make some changes on plp to don’t make to much slides i think that our parents don’t pay us a lot of attention during this hard effort of plp’s so i would like to be less slides and more intresting.
I think that it is a god idea because it is a los of work, some slides like don’t have.
What are the characteristics of a good person?
How to Describe a good friend
What are the characteristics of a good person?
I think that a good person is when you need what they said you to do yo listen and never behave bad so i think that if you do all of that steps you could be a very good person and never play with you because he want you to help him to study or he want you for money or something, i think a good friend is one that you can trust and be very fun.
How can you tell someone will be a good friend?
You can tell a frined if he is a good friend if he behave well and he do all of his homework study, like never said what you said him and like to trust him never lie to you and help you with all your materials and never get mad with you.
Is there a famous personality you would like to befriend and why?
I would like to befriend to trust my friends to support them and like he can help you to study and how to do something like play soccer or basketball.
I would like a friend that it is very nice with my parents that my parents trust in them, to be very funny and that she never get mad with you and that he don´t like another boys or never cheat on you.
i would like a friend like When you make a promise you will always honor it, and when you know you won’t be able to stick to your promise it’s best to be honest and tell your friend that you can’t keep to the promise.
I would like to support all of my friends and don’t lie to them give you all the truth.
Like a great example is Ryan Halligan that his father come to the school and he told us that he was bullied so i think that that are no friends they are like ennemies because that grate guy susicide becuse of his friends so i think that solution would be to talk to his friends with his father and tell them that he not bullied or if he still bully you should punch him until he learn to stop bulling you.
This great guy died because of bulling he hang himself with a rope and then his father was really sad because of that guy that bully him i also would be very sad and would punch him if i was his father because ryan really he don’t have any real friends only some false and enemies friends it is very sad but i think he would take a better decicion intead of hang himself with a rope and put all his family very very sad.
I think that the best friends are one of the best think that it can happend to you.
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